The Gray Pages

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Again with the Yankees

Tom Verducci: "By now it should be obvious that the guy can't hit, especially for extra bases, and he has no business taking up a roster spot, so it's time for the Yankees to consider his inflated salary as sunk money and just release him. And come to think of it, the same could be said for Jason Giambi.

"The albatross is Tony Womack."

And, then, on Giambi:

"Yes, but Giambi still gets on base, you say. The man has a .383 OBP, after all! Chill out. Giambi is the embodiment of the foolishness of putting your faith in one statistic. His OBP is hugely devalued by his inability to run or to hit for extra bases. "


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