The Gray Pages

Friday, April 28, 2006

Class warfare

Oh, wait. It's only called that when poor people vote with their pocket books.

18 rich families pay for campaign to kill estate taxes

Sabrina Eaton
Plain Dealer Bureau

Washington -- Eighteen of America's wealthiest families, including the Timkens of Canton, are bankrolling efforts to permanently repeal estate taxes that would save their families a total of $71.6 billion.

... [F]amilies including those that founded Wal-Mart, Gallo wineries, Nordstrom's department stores, Wegman's grocery stores, the Mars candy company, Cox media chain and Campbell Soup Co. joined the Timkens in bankrolling an effort the groups' report called "one of the biggest con jobs in recent history."


  • Emphasis added to piss off dl004d.

    By Blogger Josh, at 9:32 AM  

  • The more money the Wegmans save, the cheaper their food will be. It's called Trickle-Down-Grocery-Economics.

    Plus, the eldest Wegman just died.

    By Blogger dl004d, at 10:15 AM  

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