The Gray Pages

Friday, July 07, 2006

Random all-star thoughts

- The manager of the team has too much authority to choose players.
- I like this deal where the fans vote for the final player to make the team, even if they screw up as badly on the one player as they do on the other choices.
- Hafner and Liriano should be on the team.
- If Manny Ramirez wants a day off, I don't mind. I just don't want this to turn into the Pro Bowl, where no one actually plays.
- I'm not annoyed at Red Sox fans for stuffing the ballot box for Loretta; I AM annoyed at other fans for NOT stuffing the ballot box for THEIR favorite players. Unless, of course, this is somehow tied to the fact that the Sox (and other large-market teams) get more ESPN time than others, in which case, Someone Should Do Something to prevent this from happening too often.


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