The Gray Pages

Monday, September 11, 2006

Josh's Crazy Idea of the Day

Safeties should be the same as touchdowns. Their rarity is evidence of how difficult they are to execute, and they are evidence of outstanding special teams (downing the ball inside the five or so) and great defense (moving the ball backwards). And they should be rewarded with six points, followed by an extra point or a two-point attempt.

Also, I'm opposed to the Texas Longhorns' fans hand gesture thingy. Or maybe I'm just sick of it.


  • You are confusing rarity with difficulty. See also: hitting for the cycle.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:30 AM  

  • No, I'm not.

    By Blogger Josh, at 11:34 AM  

  • I think you might be. Also, what would they do when the defense recovers the ball in the end zone in the process of what would otherwise have been a safety? And do you really want to do away with the free kick? Football's only got so many different plays as it is, let's not homogenize it further.

    Verdict: CRAZY

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:39 AM  

  • A quarter of all safties come from penalties (usually holding) in the endzone. Your plan to award a touchdown for a holding penalty is pretty harsh.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:56 PM  

  • Actually, I'd be rewarding a sequence of events, not a single event. Much like awarding a field goal attempt rewards a team for getting close to scoring a touchdown.

    To me, getting a safety is way more impressive that driving within field goal range.

    By Blogger Josh, at 5:20 PM  

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