The Gray Pages

Monday, November 19, 2007

And so does a political party and movement shrink into oblivion

I've been watching a terrific NOVA episode, "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial." It's about the court case wherein the school board's policy in Dover, Penn., cast doubt on Darwinian evolutionary theory. I'm feeling much smarter and more informed on biology and genetics than I was a few days ago before I started watching. (Keep in mind, I watch this thing in 12-minute increments. Not that I'm complaining.) But it's had an impact on how I'm viewing the world these days.

Take this article from CQ, in which I learned that "last month, (a conservative blog) barred newly registered users from writing any pro-[Ron] Paul commentary on the site. 'Effective immediately, new users may not shill for Ron Paul in any way shape, form or fashion. Not in comments, not in diaries, nada,' wrote Leon Wolf, a senior editor for the Web site."

Evolve or die, Republicans. No one, in this space, will mourn your death.


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