Stupid racists, ruining everything
Honestly, how is Craigslist supposed to monitor this? I'm as opposed as I can possibly be about discrimination in housing, but asking Craigslist to monitor "the nearly two million free housing ads of unlimited length posted each month, a volume of ads greater than that received by all U.S. newspapers combined,"is impossible.
Can we go after the people who post the racist ads instead?
Can we go after the people who post the racist ads instead?
It reminds me of the way PayPal was sued (and lost, I believe) because people were using it to pay bookies running illegal gambling sites. Why should it be up to PayPal to follow up and make sure every payment is on the up-and-up?
Imagine if we could sue the Treasury Department every time dollar bills were used to pay for drugs and prostitutes.
By dl004d, at 5:32 PM
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