I wanted to post this one without comment
Sports Illustrated Fan Value Index (Baseball edition)
I was ready to get all up-in-arms about Fenway being ranked 28th, and then I saw RFK is ranked last. Yeah, $3 seats -- what a ripoff.
Now, I've only been to the Fens twice in the last six years or so (once around Passover with Christine, and once on the day after Ted Williams died with Paul, Marty, and Rich), but allow me to explain why Fenway isn't overpriced, even at three billion a seat: knowledge. Everywhere else I've been (save the Vet, actually), people go to the games to get an Ichi-roll and wait for the between innings Y-M-C-A. At Fenway, they go to watch the game. In recent years, it's pretty clear that Sweet Caroline (Whoa-w'-whoa!) has become Fenway's own little version (only bigger and better) than Y-M-C-A, but I've very been anywhere (other than the Vet) that people knew what the heck was going on on the field.
Wait, that's not entirely true -- I've been fairly impressed by the RFK fans. There's just not enough of them. But it's NOT because the stadium's a bad value. The sausage (which they really ought to know how to butterfly, and don't) is a good meal, as is the fried-chicken-and-fries thingy. Beer? Look, if you're complaining about beer prices at a ballpark, you might as well complain about the cost of popcorn at a movie theater. These are the prices. Don't like it? Drink at home.
I was ready to get all up-in-arms about Fenway being ranked 28th, and then I saw RFK is ranked last. Yeah, $3 seats -- what a ripoff.
Now, I've only been to the Fens twice in the last six years or so (once around Passover with Christine, and once on the day after Ted Williams died with Paul, Marty, and Rich), but allow me to explain why Fenway isn't overpriced, even at three billion a seat: knowledge. Everywhere else I've been (save the Vet, actually), people go to the games to get an Ichi-roll and wait for the between innings Y-M-C-A. At Fenway, they go to watch the game. In recent years, it's pretty clear that Sweet Caroline (Whoa-w'-whoa!) has become Fenway's own little version (only bigger and better) than Y-M-C-A, but I've very been anywhere (other than the Vet) that people knew what the heck was going on on the field.
Wait, that's not entirely true -- I've been fairly impressed by the RFK fans. There's just not enough of them. But it's NOT because the stadium's a bad value. The sausage (which they really ought to know how to butterfly, and don't) is a good meal, as is the fried-chicken-and-fries thingy. Beer? Look, if you're complaining about beer prices at a ballpark, you might as well complain about the cost of popcorn at a movie theater. These are the prices. Don't like it? Drink at home.